Become a Member

There are many benefits to becoming a new member of PAFCAF. Each week you will receive the PAFCAF Provider Update newsletter filled with child welfare/ well-being policy news and updates for South Carolina as well as the national scope. We also send out various member alerts when there are policy proposals, rule changes, contract approvals or changes in federal legislation that can directly affect your organization and the work you are doing with children and families in your communities.

As a Member, you have the opportunity to have a voice in determining legislative priorities to be addressee which impact our system of child and family well-being. PAFCAF has a contracted lobbying firm that helps advance these legislative priorities on behalf of our Members. PAFCAF Members have increased strategic partnerships with state organizations and systems that guide policy and reform related to through the work of the Association. In addition, there are opportunities to serve on various standing committees of PAFCAF as well as serve on the Board of Directors. Members are also eligible for registration discounts to our Annual Conference and Annual Executive Retreat as well as other trainings offered.


Regular Membership

Regular membership shall be available to any private, not-for-profit or for-profit organization that supports the general mission of the Association and has an active interest in children and families in the State, and which complies with this Article’s provisions and those of related Bylaws, and which is licensed or certified as meeting licensing requirements by the South Carolina Department of Social Services, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.

Associate Membership

Associate Membership is possible for any organization or individual that supports the mission of PAFCAF. Organizations eligible to join as Associate Members include but are not limited to corporations/ businesses, foundations, other associations, professional societies, educational institutions, advocacy groups, and public agencies. Any organization that meets the criteria for Regular Membership is not eligible to join as an Associate Member.

Calculate Your 2025 Membership Dues

Enter your Agency's total operating expenses

for all children and family services after deducting annual depreciation expense if included in total expenses (per Statement of Functional Expenses from your Agency's most recent financial audit, or from Part IX of your Agency's most recent Form 990).

Your Estimated Annual Dues:
Your Estimated Annual Dues:$
**Note that $400 is the minimum dues amount a Regular Member can pay.
**Dues for Associate Members are as follows:
  For-profit company: $1,000
  Not-for-profit organization or public agency: $500
  Individual: $100

PAFCAF - By the Numbers

PAFCAF provides education, support and leadership that strengthens the capacity of member agencies to produce positive outcomes for children and their families.


Years of service
since being founded
in 1986

Helping hand

Of children and teens
in foster care across
S.C. served by our member agencies


Residential beds and


foster care beds provided
by PAFCAF members

Graphic bed
Graphic house
children living outside of their family homes in S.C.

Member Agencies

(Foster care group homes, residential care, PRTFs, adoption agencies, community-based care and prevention services)

Group of People

Services and programs available to Children and Families across South Carolina


S.C. counties represented

State of SC graphic

Partnerships with aligned organizations, associations and departments

Hands shaking